Wednesday, July 07, 1999 Volume in drive A has no label Directory of A:\ JOAN DAT 1,152 06-06-99 12:30p JOAN.DAT NEWGRID EXE 136,022 07-05-99 6:08p NEWGRID.EXE RUNGRID DAT 41 07-05-99 6:12p RUNGRID.DAT RUNGRID EXE 129,344 07-05-99 6:08p RUNGRID.EXE RUNGRID LOG 48 07-05-99 6:13p RUNGRID.LOG GRIDST~1 RTF 90,416 02-02-99 2:15p Gridstat Manual.rtf GRIDSTAT EXE 396,810 07-07-99 3:35a GRIDSTAT.EXE 7 file(s) 753,833 bytes 0 dir(s) 701,440 bytes free The files on this disk are as follows: JOAN.DAT Is a sample GRIDSTAT format grid file that can be used to read element labels into NEWGRID. It is included here simply to show the format. It is a text (ASCII) file. NEWGRID.EXE Is the program used to elicit a single grid. It allows a range of options in eliciting a grid. It can also be used to set up pre-defined options for the other program NEWGRID which doesn't allow options being designed for routine grid data collection. RUNGRID.DAT Is a file set up by NEWGRID and read by RUNGRID. It is essential for RUNGRID. It is in text file format. RUNGRID.EXE Runs the data collection version of NEWGRID. As mentioned above it requires RUNGRID.DAT. It (creates) appends records onto a sequential file called RUNGRID.LOG (see next) RUNGRID.LOG Retains a record of each grid created by RUNGRID.EXE. It lists the name of the data file created by each individual (see below), the person's name (or whatever identification is entered) and time & date of completing the person's grid. It is a text file. Both NEWGRID (optionally) and RUNGRID create a grid data file (a text file) that can be read by GRIDSTAT. In the latter case the file is automatically named as mmHHMMDD.999 from the system clock in the computer, where mm is minutes HH is hours (24 hr clock) MM is months, and DD is day of month From Jan 1, the extension of 999 will be replaced by 000. GRIDSTAT.EXE Is the program to analyse grids output by NEWGRID and RUNGRID. The other file is a draft of a manual for this program in Rich-Text-Format