JPCS: Journal for the Psychoanalysis of Culture & Society

JPCS: Journal for the Psychoanalysis of Culture & Society

is a publication of the Association for the Psychoanalysis of Culture & Society (APCS) and is published twice a year by Critical Press, the publishing arm of The Gunk Foundation. Submissions are subject to peer review. The final decision to publish rests with the Editor. JPCS invites submissions of the following types:

Articles (optimum length: under 7,500 words) that employ psychoanalytic theories, concepts, or perspectives to address psychological roots or consequences of significant social or cultural phenomena in such a way as to promote beneficial social change. Articles may also explore divergent and conflicting psychoanalytic perspectives on culture and society or offer critiques of particular psychoanalytic schools, assumptions, strategies, or concepts as they pertain to social or cultural issues. JPCS does not publish articles in which psychoanalytic theory or cultural phenomena are discussed apart from social issues.

Field Notes (optimum length: 1,000-2,000 words) that offer psychoanalytic assessments of socially significant issues or events, describe socially significant ways in which psychoanalysis is being used in various fields or disciplines, or provide summaries of socially significant psychoanalytic work in progress or possibilities for research.

International Notes (optimum length: 1,000-2,000 words) that offer psychoanalytic assessments of significant social, political, or cultural phenomena, issues, or events in a particular nation or region of the world.

Book Reviews (optimum length: under 2,000 words) that provide a summary and a critical assessment of psychoanalytic books having social significance.

Letters to the Editor (optimum length: under 1,000 words) that raise significant questions or offer significant insights regarding specific material published in JPCS or the general JPCS agenda.

Manuscript form, style, and documentation for all submissions should follow The MLA Style Manual. There should be no bibliographic notes; all references should be listed alphabetically in a Works Cited section at the end of the article and be cited parenthetically in the text by author (plus short title, when necessary) and page number. Articles should be submitted in duplicate. A diskette must be provided of all material accepted for publication.

Correspondence regarding submissions other than book reviews should be addressed to the editor. Correspondence regarding book reviews, as well as review copies of books, should be addressed to the review editors.

The first issue of JPCS: JOURNAL FOR THE PSYCHOANALYSIS OF CULTURE & SOCIETY, will be published at the end of May. The journal, which will appear twice a year, is the publication of the Association for the Psychoanalysis of Culture & Society (APCS), an international and interdisciplinary non-profit organization devoted to developing and promoting the use of psychoanalysisfor beneficial social change. The first issue will include the following material:


Future Issues will feature special sections devoted to the work of Homi Bhabha and Slavoj Zizek, for which submissions are invited.


Mark Bracher,
English Department,
Kent State University,
OH 44242.
Phone: (330) 672-2665
Fax: (330) 672-3152.
CONTRIBUTING EDITORS: Parveen Adams, Marshall W. Alcorn, Jr., Willie Apollon, Jeffrey Berman, Homi Bhabha, Joan Copjec, Terry Eagleton, Fredric Jameson, Juliet Flower MacCannell, Renata Salecl, Robert Samuels, Claudia Tate, Victor Wolfenstein, Jean Wyatt, Slavoj Zizek.

BOOK REVIEW EDITORS: Kenneth Reinhard & Julia Reinhard Lupton, 28 Virgil Court, Irvine, CA 92715; Phone: (714) 854-5611;

The Association for the Psychoanalysis of Culture & Society (APCS)

is an international and interdisciplinary non-profit organization incorporated in 1994 for the purpose of promoting the development of new, more socially beneficial applications of psychoanalysis to important social and cultural issues. To this end, APCS holds an annual conference, sponsors various other events and activities, and publishes JPCS: Journal for the Psychoanalysis of Culture & Society. JPCS publishes articles, reviews, field notes, international notes, and letters to the editor that employ psychoanalysis to address the psychological roots or consequences of a significant social or cultural phenomenon in such a way as to enhance the possibilities for social change.


Membership in APCS includesa reduction in the annual conference registration fee and subscription to JPCS: Journal for the Psychoanalysis of Culture & Society, published twice a year.
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         1996 Individual Membership Dues:             ____ US $25
                  With airmail delivery of JPCS:             ____ US $35
         1996 Institutional Subscription to JPCS:       ____US $40
                  With airmail delivery of JPCS:              ____US $50

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Marshall W. Alcorn, Jr.,
Executive Director, APCS
c/o Department of English
George Washington University
Washington, DC 20052
Fax: 202-994-7915

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Written & mounted by Chris Evans, if you want to be kept updated by Email of changes in this and other psychotherapy resources at this site then Email me at: Mounted 7.viii.96