- All the messages sent to the list will be collected together in a monthly archive file.
- The name of this file depends on the month. For example, messages sent to the
list in January 1997 will be kept in a file called 1997-01
- List members can retrieve these monthly archive files using
email. This is useful if the list does not appear on the web.
- List owners can edit these archives if they need to.
- The web archives are based on these files, so if you
change the monthly archive file, the web archives will also change.
- The messages are kept for one year. List owners are told when the old
archives are being removed and may retrieve and save archives as
permanent files in order to make them available to list members.
Although Mailbase does remove the archive files after one year, there is
nothing to stop a list owner getting a file before it is deleted and
storing an edited version with a different name.
For example, you could get 01-1996, edit out all the junk mail
and then store it as something like Jan-96.
By doing that you get the best of both worlds, by getting a set of high
quality permanent archives for a list.
Often such files are more useful than archives of email messages, as
users don't have to search through dozens of messages to find the interesting one.
- Retrieve the archive
- Edit it and save the important messages to a file with a different name
- Add that file to your list
Sometimes you will want to change the message archives. For example,
you may want to remove a particular message, or part of a message, from the archive.
- Retrieve the archive you want to change
- Edit it carefully, and do NOT change any of the email headers as
that would affect the web archives
- Update the file
Do not edit this month's archive
Please do not try to edit
this month's archives - only update the archives for previous months. If
you want a message removed from this month's archives, then contact the Helpline and they'll do it
for you.
Mailbase Team, April 1997