Summary of File Commands

To add a file

  1. Retrieve new file template
    send mailbase new-file-template

  2. Fill in the template, following the instructions carefully.

  3. Send the template to

To update a file

  1. Retrieve file template
    send mailbase new-file-template

  2. Fill in the template, following the instructions carefully.

  3. Substitute the command UPDATE for ADD

  4. Send the template to

To remove a file

  1. Send this command to
    owner password secret-password
    remove listname filename

To retrieve a file

  1. Get a list of available files for the list
    index listname

  2. Use the send command to make Mailbase send you one of the files
    send listname filename

To split up a long file

Large files are automatically broken down into several messages, each 1000 lines long. Users sometimes think that part of a file is missing, when in fact there are other messages to follow.

  1. Use the line limit command to set your own size limit.
    line limit 2000
    send listname filename

  2. You can choose any line limit up to 5000.


Mailbase Team, April 1997