Bob Neimeyer has recently asked us to take over as Book Review
Editors of the International Journal of Constructivist Psychology. In
order to aid us in this role, we would like to build up a database of
people interested and/or willing to do reviews. If you would be
willing to do an occasional review, please let us know.
We are especially hoping to expand the coverage of the journal by
increasing the number of reviews and by broadening the range of
areas receiving coverage. We further wish to use this section to
increase dialog between us and related areas of psychology by having
constructivists review books dealing with "our" topics from other
perspectives and having related others examine constructivist works.
Among the (nonexhaustive) areas we have identified as of interest
developments in constructivist psychotherapy techniques
narrative techniques in psychotherapy and recent developments in
narrative research.
psychotherapy research
clinical judgment
the nature of expertise
emotion research
constructivist issues raised by recent developments in personality
social cognition
cognitive science
theories of attention, memory, cognition, and learning
strengths and weaknesses of various information processing models
constructivist orientations towards neuropsychology and neuroscience
philosophy of mind
recent developments in the philosophy of science
software tools for narrative analysis and rep grid analysis
constructivist work in AI and critiques of AI
The reviewers will typically have 4 to 6 months to review a book.
The format of the review will generally be about 5 double-spaced
pages. Occasionally, in the spirit of constructivism, we will ask
several reviewers with different perspectives to critique a book. We
may also ask an individual to critique several related books in a
review essay.
If you are interested in becoming a book reviewer please send us
your resume, including a summary of your areas of expertise and
interest, and the topics you would be interested in reviewing.
In addition to the opportunity to advance the state-of-the-art and
get their opinions in print, book reviewers will also get a free
We would also like suggestions of recent books to be reviewed.
Please give us as much information as possible, such as address of
publisher, etc.
Thank you all for your help. We hope that through our combined
efforts we can make this section of the journal exciting and a real
contribution to the advancement of constructivist thinking.
Stephen Soldz
Eva Hudlicka
Please send replies either by e-mail or US Mail to either of the addresses
US mail is preferred for sending resumes.
Stephen Soldz
Eva Hudlicka
US Mail:
Boston Institute for Psychotherapy
520 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston, MA 02215