Re: The reprehensible behaviour of David Nightgale

Ana Catina ( catina@Psyres-Stuttgart.DE )
Tue, 14 May 1996 16:09:05 +0200 (MET DST)

Dear Mr. Blowers,
David Nightgale acted according to the almost general reaction of
participants toward a mixture of impertinence and arrogance. Please do
not forget that young colleagues were offended publicly (where was your
voice in defending them?), or given the impression that we have nothing
else to do than tearing each other apart. If you want to communicate with
Bill, I guess that you have to look for his personal email; please let
us have a break of discussing rules, procedures or
principles. Thank you.

Dr.Phil. Ana Catina
Center for Psychotherapy Research
Christian Belser Str. 79a
70597 Stuttgart

Fax number. *49 711 687 6902
Phone 49 711 6781 411
