Re: PCT and Feminisms: asking again...

Robert Parks ( )
Wed, 22 May 1996 00:48:18 -0400

>Bob Parks,
>I enjoyed your last post on feminism, and it seems to me that you did
>undestand my point about feminism and postmodernism. Let me just add
>that I think the metaphor of "oppression" leads us into these militant
>postures of overthrowing the oppressor. I prefer the metaphor
>"marginalized" to "oppressed" because it leads into different responses
>to the problem. To fix the "oppression" we must overthrow. To fix the
>"marginalization" we must learn to notice and call attention to.
>..Lois Shawver

Interesting to contrast the ideas of oppression and marginalization. I'll
have to think about that. Wouldn't we have to grant the role of structures
of power in "marginalization" also, though? And if power is structured in
ways that make individual responses less than effective (as commented on in
a recent letter by Mike Mascolo), won't we have to give some attention to
the social causes of the shared construct of "margins" and "?mainstream"?

Thanks for the interesting thought...
