FW: unscientific psychology conference

Lindsay Oades ( (no email) )
16 Sep 1996 09:02:19 +1000

Dear pcpmailers,
this came around on the psych-postgrads mail. I think some may find it
interesting or relevant.

Lindsay Oades
To: psych-postgrads@mailbase.ac.uk
From: psych-postgrads@mailbase.ac.uk on Mon, 16 Sep 1996 8:21 AM
Subject: re: unscientific psychology conference

Please post/disseminate following conference information to colleagues,
students and/or email network. Thank you.

Unscientific Psychology: Conversations With Other Voices
A two day conference on progress and possibilities in creating a cultural,
relational and performatory approach to understanding human life

June 14-15, 1997
Edith Macy Conference Center
Briarcliff Manor, New York

Sponsored by the Center for Developmental Learning of the East Side Institute
for Short Term Psychotherapy

With each passing day, psychology's inability to provide solutions to
critical questions history has raised as we approach the 21st century becomes
more apparent. Just about everyone -- theoreticians, practitioners, policy
makers, consumers and the general public -- is growing more and more
disillusioned with psychology, as it fails to understand or deal successfully
with pressing issues such as the nature of human sociality and
anti-socialness, emotional pain, violence, identity, sexuality, prejudice and
bigotry, creativity, depression, learning and educational failure, memories
false and true, to name just a few.