A Happy Clutter

Gregory Hadley ( hadley@geb.ge.niigata-u.ac.jp )
Wed, 18 Sep 1996 11:22:58 -0700

Andrew Gray wrote:
> My e-mail seems to be getting very cluttered with individual responses to
> requests and offers by other listserv subscribers (e.g. advising interest
> in responding to questionnaires, expressing interest in more information
> etc.). This kind of communication is not relevant to me and I can't see
> how it is relevant to other subscribers.
> Is it a reasonable proposal/request that people communicating with other
> indviduals in such cases do so by sending messages direct to the respective
> individual's personal e-mail address?

I understand! Here in Japan, most universities have very slow
networks (9600 baud). However, I think the recent clutter has been both
interesting and encouraging. We're able to see positive cooperation
going on between (normally silent) members of the PCP listserver. There
was a time some months ago when things looked rather bleak...I wouldn't
want to see a return to those days.

