Re: intersubjectivity

Jim Legg (
Fri, 18 Apr 1997 19:41:52 +1200

Tim A. Connor wrote:
> On Wed, 16 Apr 1997, Robert Parks wrote:
> > I'm particulary interested in your desire to add a "twist of
> > dialecticalism". Could you elaborate? In a post to this list 5 minutes
> > ago, I was working in that direction also. I think the construction of self
> > and the construction of society that provides the context of self must be
> > taken together. This is what I have come to call "Political Construct
> > Theory", because it identifies the nexus of self and social construction as
> > its primary task, and identifies the dimensions of power and solidarity as
> > crucial to the determination of trajectories of self and social
> > construction.
> >
> <snip>
> >

I'm boldly stepping in here to display my ignorance and because I'm
intrigued. I am currently working on a political construction that deals
directly with this nexus.

The details are captured in INGRID3D and are free from my website. IMHO,
the graphical and literary work quite well defines the nexus between
myself and society. It does it in a way that doesn't use either power or
solidarity. Come and see how I construe this nexus and help me integrate
and engage this primary task.

I hope you will.


Jim Legg Man*Soul/Computer='See What You Think...'

PS. Click here to quickly see the 8Kb image "society.gif" at You'll quickly see the ways in which I describe what I'm talking about.
