Northern network 27.9.97

Jones, Helen (
Tue, 16 Sep 97 09:09:00 PDT

The next meeting of the Northern PCP Research group is on Saturday 27th
September 1997 at a new address: 2 Heslington Court, School Lane,
Heslington, York, YO1 5EX. If anyone is coming by public transport it is
best to get a bus to Heslington Hall at the University. School Lane is
about 3 minutes' walk from there.
The meeting will begin at ll.00 and finish at 3.00. Please will you let me
know if you are coming so that the right number of sandwiches can be bought!
For anyone new the cost for the day - coffee, tea, lunch and good
conversation - is ?3.00 and anyone interested in PCP and its applications is
most welcome to come along.

My telephone and fax number is: 01904 438757

Look forward to seeing you soon.

Helen Jones
