Re: 1998 Australasian PCP conference

Bob Green (
Thu, 9 Oct 1997 20:08:29 +1000

Hello Bill,

Regarding your posts:

>It appears that I responded to your last letter as if it was addressed
directly >and only to me!! So, my reply has gone to everyone??!!

It is said that any publicity is good publicity. Otherwise from my side of
things, I have taken no offence etc.

I have sought Beverly's advice regarding the APS aspect. Thanks also for
your offer:

>I am happy to help 'on the ground' in any way I can, or by referring papers,
>reacting to your questions, etc, as I have been doing.

To date I have had two expressions of interest, from Luis Botella and Anima
The reason io adopted this strategies precisely because of the issue of
rivalries and sensitivities. I will now have to wait and see if it has been
a useful strategy.

We have also toyed with the idea of a symposia of speakers, which could be a
more inclusive approach.

Your comments are appreciated,


