Hi Ian,
I am currently lecturing in the Faculty of Education at Strathclyde
University, but from January will be starting a part-time contract at
Napier University in Psychology and Sociology.
I have been involved in developing PCP approaches to guidance interviews
and have conducted a small research project for my MSc looking at possible
applications of PCP to investigate 'vocational maturity'. So I have some
experience of grid analysis but not specifically RepGrid II.
I have been taking on various teaching contracts to make up the rest of my
time and hope to do my own PCP related research - but it might be possible
for me to help out in some way once I start at Napier in January, I'm still
not clear how much free time I will have.
Anyway, I thought it was worth making contact, if I don't hear from you,
best of luck with the project.
Grant Jeffrey
Wrk g.b.jeffrey@strath.ac.uk - from Jan - gr.jeffrey@napier.ac.uk
tel 0141 950 3326 - 0131 455 2381
Hme grant@pacarras.demon.co.uk