Page created 16.i.21

Sulafa has done a huge amount of work with me on the translation of the YP-CORE into Arabic, see Arabic YP-CORE. Here is a brief bio from her.
Sulafa trained in Psychological Counselling with a focus on CBT therapeutic interventions, she then went on to complete a masters in Mental Health: Psychological Therapies which incorporated essential cultural awareness in psychotherapeutic practices, particularly during diagnoses and interventions. She has worked as a psychotherapist for the last ten years in an array of settings including primary NHS services, secondary referral services and a tertiary forensic setting. Currently, she is working with children and adolescents, as well as adults, as a school-based counsellor in London; where language and cultural, as well as religious, implications have become dominant in her therapeutic work.
For now, contact me and I will forward messages to Sulafa, I will fix a direct contact form for her shortly after some other changes to the site.