OM book glossary

This is the glossary, over 350 entries and climbing, for the book “Outcome measures and evaluation in counselling and psychotherapy” written by myself and Jo-anne Carlyle and available now from SAGE. Some glossary entries link to more detailed expansions of the topic in my Rblog and, at last, an increasing number now link with interactive online (“shiny”) apps.

You can see the alphabetical list of entries below which is a good place to browse, or you can use this search box.

Beware: the way the search orders the matches is to my mind bizarre so scroll down if what you typed isn’t first on the list, you may find something with exactly the title that is exactly the phrase you typed in to find is hidden down the list of suggestions.

If what you want is not there and you think it should be, contact me and tell me and I will put it on the (long!) list of entries to be added!



To some extent it's what it says: how much something correlates with itself but what…


A neologism created by Branca Sa Pires and leapt upon by me in one of…

Attenuation (by unreliability of measurement)

This is the very basic reality that if you have unreliable measures of things, and…


What it means in everyday language really. It's one of two parts of observational…

Average absolute deviation (AAD)

This is generally used to describe a family of measures of dispersion, i.e. of the…


First letter of the Greek alphabet. OK, OK, I know you knew that! It…

Anderson-Darling test

A good test of distribution fit. (That's a graphic from my Rblog post about…

Alternative (alternate) hypothesis

The logical alternative to the null hypothesis in NHST (Null Hypothesis Significance Testing). At…


Technical term used in research that involves repeated assessments including the whole field of repeated…


This sounds obvious doesn't it and it also seems obvious that clients, and research participants,…


Bifactor models

A subset of factor analytic models, not to be confused with 2-factor models. Details As with all…

Between group(s) comparison

What it says! Actually, when you see it, it what is really being done…

Bonferroni correction

This is the simplest way to "correct" for the multiple tests problem. Details Read the multiple tests…

Binomial distribution

This probably doesn't come up directly all that often in the therapy/MH literature but it…

Bootstrap methods

A computer intensive statistical method mainly used to obtain robust estimates of confidence intervals around…

Boxplot (or box plot)

Sometimes also called a "box and whisker plot". This is a excellent way to…

Barplot / bar plot

See Histograms and barplots.

Beck Depression Inventory (BDI)

Perhaps the most famous and successful therapy self-report instrument ever. Started with the paper…

Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI)

The BAI is a (Beck, A. T., Epstein, N., Brown, G., & Steer, R. A….

Bulimia Investigatory Test Edinburgh (BITE)

The BITE is a questionnaire which, as its name suggests, is designed to measure typical…


Cutting points

In our field this refers to scores that are deemed to separate "help seeking" and…

Cluster analysis

Pretty much what it says: a family of statistical methods that look to see if…

Cross-lagged correlation

What it says really! A statistical method that explores the relationship between two variables…

Change vs. outcome

This is just my own pedantry and here to encourage others to think about it…

Covert vs. overt items

The name is pretty accurate: it's about whether items in self-report questionnaires are overt about…

Clinician-reported outcome measures (ClinROMs, CROMs)

These are a subset of Clinical Outcome Assessments (COAs) and were essentially the only change/outcome…

Clinical Outcome Assessments (COAs)

Term used more in the physical health than the psychological health & well-being areas. …

Censored data

Censored data exists when the value of an observation is not fully known but is…

Classical Test Theory (CTT)

This is one of the two main statistical/mathematical approaches to quantitative psychometrics of the last…

Confidence intervals (CIs)

This is an incredibly useful method. The basic idea is that when you have a…



Things are deranged if they are out of order. Interestingly, whether we can put…

DALYs: Disability Adjusted Life Years

OK, time I dived into health economic terms! Details DALYs are an extension of QALYs: Quality…


This is the extremely common situation in which we convert a continuous measurement into a…

Domains, dimensions, components and factors

This is my way of clarifying some terms that are often thrown around in psychometrics….

Dose response

One of too many terms that have been pulled across from physical health medicine and…

Descriptive statistics

This covers statistical methods of summarising a dataset that aim only to summarise the data…

Divergent/discriminant validity

With convergent validity, this is part of concurrent validity, it's whether values on a measure…

Data protection

Well of course you'd look after your data wouldn't you? You don't want anyone…


I've been putting this off! It's actually quite a basic idea but it covers…


Clearly the idea comes out of medicine and what is sometimes called "the medical model"…


Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA)

This refers to collection of data from participants at various times of day in their…

Exploratory factor analysis (EFA)

A statistical approach that hopes to simplify multivariate data, i.e. data where we have values…


A single item, five level, change/outcome measure proposed for adoption within the European Psychotherapy Consortium…

European Psychotherapy Consortium (EPoC)

A coalition/consortium arising out of the Society for Psychotherapy Research meeting in 2022 and formalised…

Exploratory data analysis (EDA)

A statistical approach, methodology, inspired by John Tukey. Tukey was something of a polymath…


Probably the dominant quality of life measure, distributed by Euroqol and free for non-commercial use…

Eating attitudes test (EAT)

Two self-report questionnaires designed to tap into problematic attitudes common in eating disorders. Details The…

Employee assistance programmes (EAPs)

These are programmes offering some degree of support with mental health and well-being issues for…

Effect size

Effect size measures are a way to separate the strength of an effect. An…


Online repository of outcome/change measures (their term is "Clinical Outcome Assessments (COAs)" and related information…


Creation date lost, updated 19.v.24 to add the new BetterDocs “encyclopedia” listing of entries, tweaks 22.i.25. Author CE, page and all glossary contents are copyright to me. That may change to a Creative Commons licence later when I am happier with the content.