OM book glossary

This is the glossary, over 300 entries and climbing, for the book “Outcome measures and evaluation in counselling and psychotherapy” written by myself and Jo-anne Carlyle and available now from SAGE. Some glossary entries link to more detailed expansions of the topic in my Rblog and, at last, an increasing number now link with interactive online (“shiny”) apps.

You can see the alphabetical list of entries below which is a good place to browse, or you can use this search box.

Beware: the way the search orders the matches is to my mind bizarre so scroll down if what you typed isn’t first on the list, you may find something with exactly the title that is exactly the phrase you typed in to find is hidden down the list of suggestions.

If what you want is not there and you think it should be, contact me and tell me and I will put it on the (long!) list of entries to be added!



The intercept, with the slope, define a linear regression. Details It's just this point (in the plot…

Interview measures

What it says: an interview that produces a measure score, or, reifying things a bit,…

Intention to treat (ITT) analyses

You may come across this in reports of controlled trials of therapies (or of anything…

IPD: Individual Participant/Patient Data

You may hit this term in systematic review and meta-analyses. It's the latest, and…

Idiographic vs. nomothetic: history

There are separate entries (see "try also") for idiographicm, sometimes spelled "ideographic", and nomothetic measures,…

Investigator bias/allegiance

Researcher bias/allegiance are synonyms. Basically the simple idea that investigators/researchers tend to hold views that constitute…

Independence of observations

This is an absolutely fundamental aspect of all statistical methods: the idea that all the…

Inferential testing, "tests"

This approach to evaluating findings starts out with an idea that it is worth investigating…

Inter-rater agreement/reliability

One way to assess how good, how usable, a rating system is is to get…


Contamination of scores by systematic error, see large entry for validity and entries for its…


Page last updated 19.v.24 to add the new BetterDocs “encyclopedia” listing of entries. Author CE, page and all glossary contents are copyright to me. That may change to a Creative Commons licence later when I am happier with the content.