OM book glossary

This is the glossary, over 300 entries and climbing, for the book “Outcome measures and evaluation in counselling and psychotherapy” written by myself and Jo-anne Carlyle and available now from SAGE. Some glossary entries link to more detailed expansions of the topic in my Rblog and, at last, an increasing number now link with interactive online (“shiny”) apps.

You can see the alphabetical list of entries below which is a good place to browse, or you can use this search box.

Beware: the way the search orders the matches is to my mind bizarre so scroll down if what you typed isn’t first on the list, you may find something with exactly the title that is exactly the phrase you typed in to find is hidden down the list of suggestions.

If what you want is not there and you think it should be, contact me and tell me and I will put it on the (long!) list of entries to be added!


Pearson correlation coefficient

A correlation coefficient indexes whether increases and decreases in values for one variable are associated…

Phobia scales (IAPT)

These are three questions that have been mandatory in the UK IAPT (Improving Access to…

Predictive validity

Pretty much what it says: do measurements on some measure predict future events as theory…


With accuracy, one of the two parts of observation error but the terminology belongs mostly…


"PROQOLID™ is a comprehensive online database designed to assist academic researchers, physicians, students, pharmaceutical companies,…


Part of thorough anonymisation of data. Basically the same as using a pseudonym but…

Protocol paper

This has been a development of perhaps the last 20 years in which researchers publish…

Post hoc hypothesis

See pre hoc hypothesis.

Pre hoc hypothesis

Literally "before this" I think. Crucial idea in inferential statistics, "tests" and the Null…

Predictive value

A combination of PPV (Positive Predictive Value) and NPV (Negative Predictive Value) of a screening…


Page last updated 19.v.24 to add the new BetterDocs “encyclopedia” listing of entries. Author CE, page and all glossary contents are copyright to me. That may change to a Creative Commons licence later when I am happier with the content.