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What it means in everyday language really. It’s one of two parts of observational error, the other is precision. The terminology is more one of technology, engineering and physical sciences than our realms.

Details #

Accuracy: how close the observations are to the true value. That we rarely have a known true value for our observations, the term almost never crops up. However, it’s worth knowing.
By contrast precision is how little variance there is in the observations are to each other for the same true value (whether or not they are close to the true value).

The terms that come up more often in our areas are clearly validity (for accuracy) and reliability (for precision).

Try also #


Chapters #

Not mentioned explicitly in the OMbook but the ideas are there in Chapters 1, 2 and 3.

Online resources #

None currently nor likely I’d say.

Dates #

First created 18.iv.24, links linked 8.x.24.

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