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Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ)

A 34 item self-report measure developed to measure the negative self-appraisal of body shape common in Eating Disorders (Cooper, P. J., Taylor, M. J., Cooper, Z., & Fairburn, C. G. (1986). The development and validation of the Body Shape Questionnaire. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 6, 485–494.;2-O)

Details #

The BSQ has two approved 16 item and four 8 item short forms (Evans, C., & Dolan, B. (1993). Body Shape Questionnaire: Derivation of shortened ‘alternate forms’. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 13, 315–321.;2-3).

In many ways the BSQ epitomises a questionnaire that one might expect to be unidimensional. More information and downloads and some translations available at

From 1999 I managed the BSQ for Melanie and the other co-authors but as of October 2023 the management of the BSQ has been transferred to MAPI trust, see: This means that all requests for permission to use or translate the BSQ must go to them at You must sign up with them, which is free, this will ensure an optimized service. It does not commit you to purchasing a questionnaire and if your work has no specific funding for the use of the questionnaire you will be able to download the form you want directly from ePROVIDE, using the “online distribution” process. For any further help, please consult the FAQ, or contact

Try also … #

Factor analysis
MAPI Trust

Chapters #

Chapter 4.

Online applications #

None currently.

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