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Bonferroni correction

This is the simplest way to “correct” for the multiple tests problem.

Details #

Read the multiple tests problem entry in this glossary then go to my Rblog post here for the detail. You may also want to play with my shiny app which allows you to look at the trade off between control of the overall false positive rate and statistical power that cannot be escaped: the Bonferroni correction preserves the false positive rate which is very important, but it cannot do that without losing statistical power.

Try also #

Multiple tests problem
Null hypothesis significance testing (NHST)
Statistical power

Chapters #

Not discussed in the OMbook.

Online resources #

Rblog post about the Bonferroni correction
Shiny app to look at costs of the correction in terms of statistical power

Dates #

First created 24.xii.23.

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