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The CORE-6D is a complex scoring of six items from the CORE-OM (items 1, 15, 16, 21, 33 and item 8, “I have been troubled by aches, pains or other physical problems” tapping the somatic domain. The scoring algorithm converts the scores the person chose on those six items to a quality of life valuation, technically a health utility value, the basis of QALY valuations.

Details #

The original very detailed papers describe the derivation of the scoring:
Mavranezouli, I., Brazier, J. E., Young, T. A., & Barkham, M. (2011). Using Rasch analysis to form plausible health states amenable to valuation: The development of CORE-6D from a measure of common mental health problems (CORE-OM). Quality of Life Research, 20(3), 321–333.
Mavranezouli, I., Brazier, J. E., Rowen, D., & Barkham, M. (2013). Estimating a preference-based index from the clinical outcomes in routine evaluation-outcome measure (CORE-OM): Valuation of CORE-6D. Medical Decision Making, 33(3), 381–395. Scopus.
A recent paper illustrating the use of the CORE-6D for economic evaluation of a psychological intervention in prisons is:
Hunter, R. M., Anderson, R., Kirkpatrick, T., Lennox, C., Warren, F., Taylor, R. S., Shaw, J., Haddad, M., Stirzaker, A., Maguire, M., & Byng, R. (2021). Economic evaluation of a complex intervention (Engager) for prisoners with common mental health problems, near to and after release: A cost-utility and cost-consequences analysis. The European Journal of Health Economics.

Try also … #

Health economics

Chapters #

Chapter 4.

Online applications #

At some point: online form into which you can upload CORE-OM data and get CORE-6D QALY scores.

Dates #

Updated 30.iii.24.

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