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The frequencies of values for a variable. The term is more often applied to continuous variables than discrete variables but applies to both. For example the distribution of (binary) gender for referrals might be 70:30::F:M. For continuous variables the distribution can be shown by histograms or, with much less detail, box plots.

Try also #

Distribution shape
Gaussian (“Normal”) Distribution
Box plot (and boxplot!)
Violin plot (and violinplot!)
Uniform distribution

Chapters #

Chapters 5, 7 and 8.

Online resources #

* You can generate samples from distributions using my shiny app: At the moment it only creates Gaussian and uniform distributions but more distributions may follow. You can download the data or copy and paste it to other apps.
* You could then paste the data into another app: to get a sense of how your samples change was you change the size or the population parameters (mean and SD for the Gaussian; minimum and maximum for the uniform distribution).

Dates #

Created 2.xi.21, updated links 7.iv.24.

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