Marginalised client groups

Exactly what it says really. Why put it here when it’s so obvious that it doesn’t need a definition? Because there is very little therapy research with these groups. That, with the stress on quantitative research requiring large datasets creates a double marginalisation: the groups are marginalised by society generally but the research data that increasingly drives what therapies are funded has little or nothing to say for them either. Then with the assumption that finding from easily reached groups will generalise to other groups almost certainly exacerbates the basic challenges for these populations. Currently, I find it hard to see how this is going to change.

Details #

Not much more to be said!

Try also #


Chapters #

Touched on briefly at various points in the OMbook.

Online resources #

None but it might be interesting to simulate the situation.

Dates #

First created 17.viii.24.

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