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Open data

The idea of “open data” is that research papers should put their data into a publicly accessible repository or undertake to share it with any other researcher making a reasonable request to re-analyse it. It is part of the “reproducibility movement” aiming to counter the “reproducibility crisis” of much modern research, and certainly much modern psychological and mental health research. The crisis is that much published research, when attempts are made to reproduce the work, is not reproducible: the findings are different the second time around. Some of the problem is down to frank fraud and it is argued, fairly reasonably, that the requirement for open data makes fraud harder (but not impossible). The crunch for MH and therapy research is to balance open data with the need to protect confidentiality and the difficult fact that this is not secured by just removing names and dates of birth. However, the principle remains important

Try also #

Hash functions/codes/mapping
Jigsaw attacks
n>5 rule
Open data

Chapters #

Chapter 6.

Online resources #

There are many good resources on the web about reproducibility and open data. They do tend to minimise the issues for our field.

Dates #

First created 13.viii.23.

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