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Performance outcome measures (PerfOMs, POMS)

Another category of COAs: Clinical Outcome Assessments. I prefer to think of them as change rather than outcome for many reasons but I accept that the dominant terminology is “outcome” just as I accepted that CORE was CORE: Outcome again. That’s what the politicians and managers want to see things as, just as they want to see things in rather physical health terms as about measuring reversible states and recovery from “illness”.

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But I digress eh?! The key thing is that these measures/assessments are about measurable performance. That often makes very good sense in physical health but I can’t think of a single performance assessment that is used in the psychological intervention realm so I guess this is here just for completeness.

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Chapters #

Not covered in the OMbook.

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None forseeable.

Dates #

First created 3.i.25, links last tweaked 5.i.25.

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