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Sobel’s test

Very geeky stuff this. Sobel’s test is a parametric null hypothesis test of the significance of a mediation effect, i.e. that a third variable may be contributing to, i.e. mediating, the relationship between a first and second variable. If this is gobbledygook either, don’t worry, or, go and read up the entry about mediation!

Details #

As Sobel’s test is based on a model assuming population distributions of all three variables are Gaussian, it is much better, if you have raw data, to test mediation using bootstrapping to get confidence intervals.

Try also #

Confidence intervals
Gaussian (“Normal”) distributions
Null hypothesis
Null hypothesis significance testing (NHST) paradigm

Chapters #

Not mentioned in the OMbook!

Online resources #

None currently.

Dates #

First created 5.x.24.

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