Also, she and Brian Gaines were the hosts of the most recent NAPCN
Conference in Banff, Alberta which was a wonderfully organized event.
Speaking from personal experience, conference organizing can be a rather
tedious and thankless task though Brian and Mildred did so flawlessly with
this being the second such time they have volunteered to do so.
I have also just received word that NAPCN will again be able to offer a
membership package to include a subscription to the Journal of
Constructivist Psychology. Rates for 1997 will be similar to those of this
year. I will make a formal posting late this summer. Please note that my
e-mail address has changed so that all electronic posts should be
directed to me at the below address.
Best wishes for the summer--
Reid E. Klion, Ph.D. Indianapolis VAMC
Department of Psychiatry CDHP (116H)
Indiana University School of Medicine 1481 West 10th St.
Indianapolis, IN 46202 USA (317) 635-7401 x5729